28345 Beck Road, Suite 203 Wixom, MI 48393

Dental Professionals Are Finding Job Happiness Beyond Pay

Dental employees and hapiness

While dental professionals in Michigan and the upper midwest are keen on being paid a fair salary, that’s not nearly the whole equation to attracting job seekers. When searching for and hiring new talent, dental practices are weighing the merits of flexible schedules, the work culture at a practice, benefits, the practice’s leadership, or similar perks.

The hiring landscape has changed, there’s no doubt. And while higher pay has been taking the headlines, Peak Performers is finding dental practices are getting better results when they build a great place to work, and highlight the other benefits they offer which job seekers are looking for. 

Why Salaries For Dental Professionals Is Not The Main Factor In Hiring Talent

Since businesses began to recover from the initial shutdown during the pandemic, there’s been a disconnect between employers and job seekers. Dental practices began reopening and hiring again. There were so many open positions. And there were also many dental professionals looking for work.

When trying to reconcile this discrepancy, many have settled on the single solution that job seekers are looking for higher salaries. And for a while, raising wages worked. But that only worked up to a point before hiring flattened again. So what gives?

Employers, under the mistaken assumption that, if initial efforts to raise wages got results, then job seekers must want even higher salaries. But continuing to raise wages with impunity is not only unsustainable, it’s possibly reasonable.

So we find ourselves at the same impasse as before, a seeming stand-off between employers and job seekers, and a whole lot of miscommunication in-between. Job seekers have a message for Michigan’s dental practices: while a fair salary is important, it’s only part of the equation, and a much smaller part than you might think. 

What Michigan’s Dental Professionals Are Looking For

In short, dental professionals are looking for a higher quality of life. While that is the ultimate goal, the various pathways to a better life are as diverse as the talent looking for work.

But in several conversations with Michigan’s top dental candidates, we’ve found some trends in what they’re looking for:

  • A safer work environment: While many people are talking about the end of the pandemic, COVID-19 is definitely not over. In fact, with new variants, the pandemic is, in many ways, worse than ever. Job seekers know this, and it’s one of their top concerns. Because of this many dental professionals are simply not considering positions in practices where worker and patient safety is either an unclear or low priority.
  • Flexibility: This can mean a number of things. Flexibility could be anything from location, where work from home options are available, to flexibility with scheduling where part-time options, or non-traditional work hours are available. Job seekers are looking for less rigid options to fit their hectic schedules. Many learned how, in the most recent shutdown, many jobs, even in dentistry, could be accomplished remotely.
  • Ongoing training and development: At Peak Performers, we know how essential ongoing training and career development is for today’s dental professionals. Practices that support their employee’s goals to learn more and grow their career are in the highest demand. Not only are they attracting more candidates, but they’re retaining the employees they already have, as employees who feel supported tend to stay with their employers longer. 

These are just a few of the benefits beyond a higher salary that today’s dental professionals are looking for. 

The thing is, many dental practices are already offering one, or several of these benefits. And if that’s the case, how is it they are still having difficulty attracting and hiring the candidates they’re looking for. 

That’s where Peak Performers can help. 

You Need An Advocate In Michigan’s Dental Job Market

One of the most difficult obstacles to attracting today’s dental professionals is in messaging. Many dental practices just don’t have the time to update their job descriptions, their hiring strategy, or messaging around their company. 

Because Peak Performers is your advocate in the marketplace, we take the work off promoting your business so you can focus on helping your practice grow and thrive. That means we go the extra mile to know everything there is to know about your practice. So when job seekers have questions about what it’s like to work there, or what benefits you offer, we can provide clear, descriptive information quickly.

Job seekers are looking for a faster interview schedule. Often they are considering several options at the same time. You need a recruiter who can not only concisely sell your practice to them, but also get them the candidate experience they’re looking for.

Contact Peak Performers Today

How can we help you find the dental professionals you need? Peak Performers are the top dental recruiters for Michigan and the upper midwest. We can get you the talent you need. Contact Peak Performers today!

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